[Moin-user] Updating tragedy with MoinMoin

Mark Ziegler mark.ziegler at rakekniven.de
Fri Nov 21 10:51:35 EST 2008


> We will also change many things in the future. So for the upgrading, it
> won't be as easy as if you use a software that doesn't change that much.

> > Two weeks ago we made a decision and two people migrated three moinmoin
> > wikis to mediawiki and we are very happy with it. It was a hard work.
> I can imagine. X-) Did you use a good converter for your content?
Hmmh. Some scripts and Notepad++/Kate.
Attachment had been a big part of the migration.
And listing which have pictures and <pre> text in it.

> > We would have stayed with moinmoin but the documentation is not in good
> > shape for my view.
> Well, complaining doesn't help much. We need more people improving the
> docs. We also need more developers. More testers. More ...
I know. Privatly I work a lot for kde and there is the same situation. We have 
superb devs but promotion and user support is missing man power.


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