[Moin-user] New page

waqas ahmad waqas805 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 19 05:40:23 EST 2008

I am using default macro NewPage() on my pages. How I can change its NewPage "Page_name_bar". Because my every new page is a combination of three names. e.g:- Test 12.12.2008 pros (this is the name of my newpage).
when i go to the create new page button. it shows only one long max="30" length name bar. i want to divide into three portions.but after i give the name, then it show one complete pagename. like Test 12.12.2008 pros .
Example:-(its my Goal)
page     Date     Info
-------|-------|------- createPageButton
when i click createPageButton, then it show me "page Date Info" as a new page name. It will be my new page (page Date Info).
Please tell me how i can make parts of this single bar into three bars in NewPage macro. I shall be thankful to you.
Best Regards, 
Waqas Ahmad 
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