[Moin-user] Embeded Video and svg images

Mail@Heavy.ch mail at heavy.ch
Mon Nov 17 17:42:39 EST 2008

Hi There
> and i tried to put some video files on pages but page show only window media player but doesnt play the video. 
> I changed my wikiconfig.py also regarding this document.(http://master.moinmo.in/HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject). 
> but i cant play video on pages. i see only the window media player on page. 

Well I'm using also this macro with my Firefox and Video Player (Totem)
and it works flawless (for normal avi files). Syntax is like:

But I know that it can be pain, because I guess some browsers and some
media plugins (maybe Microsoft?) just sucks!

Because of this I would thinking about using a macro that integrate/use
a simple flash video player like this one

The drawback is that, the user would need flash and he can not anymore
choose how he would like to play the video file. but it would work I guess.


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