[Moin-user] Installing a theme in standalone mode

cmiramon at kde-france.org cmiramon at kde-france.org
Thu Jun 5 08:11:10 EDT 2008


I'm trying to use MoinMoin 1.6.3 in standalone mode with a different theme
on Debian Sid.

I have created a directory twisted in my home with the data, underlay and I
have also copied the htdocs directory from /usr/share/moin

I changed in wikiconfig.py  line 84 to
url_prefix_static = './htdocs'

When I start the standalone moin I get a lot of 404 errors like :
135922 INFO "GET /htdocs/common/js/common.js HTTP/1.1" 404 -

The permission on the file seems good :
charles at bafin:~/twisted/htdocs/common/js$ ls -alh common.js
-rw-rw-rw- 1 charles charles 7,1K jun  5 00:35 common.js

I'm puzzled. Does themes only work with apache ?


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