[Moin-user] [Moin 1.6.0]Superuser Can not install language package ?

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 16:56:50 EST 2008

szhairui schrieb:
> Hi everybody
> I am a newbie for Moin 1.6.0. Yesterday I made a fresh install on my Ubuntu Linux 7.10.with the Apache CGI mode.
> After installation and making an instance, I added a new use whose id was "YourName".
> Then I added the line of "superuser = u'YourName" into the wikiconfig.py file of the instance.
> After all of those steps, I loginned into my wiki. To my surprise, I can not find the "install" button in the page of "SystemPagesSetup".
> On the other hand, I CAN  see the "choose user" at the page of "UserPref", and I think that means my logon was as a superuser.
> At first I thought something was wrong in my moin config or apache2' config. So I turned to another OS , windows XP, and make another installation.
> But the same thing happened , the superuser can not install language packages.
> The purpose I post this article is to find if there anyone else who meets with the same thing can help me to solve the problem.
> Thanks.
> 2008-02-03 


that was a bug fixed in 1.6.1  (see


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