[Moin-user] Help with WinXP install

Rick Vanderveer rick.vanderveer at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 18:59:55 EST 2008

I think the next step is to make sure apache2 simply has permissions to
access that directory.  A simple way to do this is ensure that folder has
full permissions for "everyone" (once you have it working, you can then go
back and tighten down permissions).

Also, you might want to follow the steps here, which (I believe) are more up
to date than the regular moinmo.in site:


On Feb 11, 2008 5:30 PM, Scott Ehrlich <scott at mit.edu> wrote:

> I have a Win XP w/SP2 and all patches setup, installed the latest apache2,
> ActiveState Perl, and moin wiki.    Apache2 runs fine, and its test page
> shows ok.   I ran through each moin step to get the wiki to be seen by
> apache2, restarted the apache2 service, and keep getting Permission Denied
> for http://localhost/mywiki
> No firewall is running.
> For a test, I disabled apache2, installed IIS 5.1 (from the XP cd), and
> re-installed moin.  Still the same permission denied for
> http://localhost/mywiki.
> I am logged in as the admin.
> What am I missing?  I would prefer apache2 to IIS, but to get the wiki
> going, I'll be happy to go with either web server.
> Thanks.
> Scott
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