[Moin-user] missing CSS drives me crazy

Stefan X stefanxe at gmx.net
Mon Feb 4 15:38:23 EST 2008

Hi Jean-Philippe!

Jean-Philippe Guérard schrieb:
> Le 2008-02-04 06:34:04 +0100, Stefan X écrivait :
>> I did not configure any path to the themes directly; it was not 
>> mentioned in the installation description. As mentioned before I 
>> configured the path to the static content directory (which includes the 
>> themes) as an Apache alias. So, what to do?
> Look at the source code of your page, from your browser, to check the 
> URL used for the CSS files.

These paths look like /wiki/modern/css/common.css where "wiki" is both 
the Apache-alias and the MoinMoin root directory.

> You should then try to access directly a Moin CSS file with your 
> browser, for exemple : 
> http://my-site.com/moin_static160/modern/css/screen.css

This works! I am wondering, that I don't need "wiki" at the beginning of 
the directory path.

> That usually gives a hint on what is the problem.
> Also, for a root wiki, if you use ScriptAlias, the Alias needs to be 
> defined *before* the ScriptAlias.

I verified this. Yes, I defined Alias first and ScriptAlias second in 

Any idea, please?!


> HTH.

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