[Moin-user] user auth

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 07:06:09 EST 2008

Jeremiah Jester schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'm a new to moinmoin and have inherited a wiki that is already up and
> running. I would like to make it required for users to login to access
> the site using their moinmoin user id. Security and the ability to track
> changes for documents are the two main reasons for getting this setup.
> I've reviewed the documentation but nothing has worked. Can someone give
> me a walk through or point me in the right direction?
> Thanks,
> Jeremiah

You do need to define acls, see


or in your wiki.

e.g. if you set

acl_rights_before = u'UserName:read,write,revert,delete,admin'
acl_rights_default = u'UserGroup:read,write,revert,delete'

then the user with the name UserName has the before right and is allowed
to change acl settings on a page by the admin right.

Only users which are listed on the page UserGroup have
read,write,revert,delete rights on default. If one (UserName) has added
an #acl line on the page this overwrites the default settings.


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