[Moin-user] upgrade to 1.8.0 successful, external cookie auth works now

Michael Matthews mjmatthews1 at rcn.com
Fri Dec 5 09:45:37 EST 2008

Once understood problem found simple solution. Output my cookie in
ExternalCookie routine (do not add to headers) and everything works the
way I need.
not this:

Michael Matthews wrote:
> Roger Haase wrote:
>>> using my own
>>>>> external
>>>>> cookie authentication method. I did post this
>>> before but
>>>>> did not have
>>>>> time to follow through. When user logs in
>>> authentication
>>>>> takes place,
>>>>> login id is displayed but pagetrail only displays
>>> current
>>>>> page. I was
>>>>> told this is a session failure. How do I debug
>>> this failure
>>>>> (which is
>>>>> silent as far as I can tell)?
>>>> There is a help page for 1.7 here:
>>> http://master17.moinmo.in/HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
>>>> Based upon your symptoms, a guess is either you are
>>> not setting a cookie, you are changing the cookie value with
>>> each page request, or you may be setting the cookie for the
>>> wrong domain.
>>>> If you have the Firefox browser witht he Web Developer
>>> extension installed, verify you have a MOIN_SESSION cookie
>>> and the value is consistent for multiple page requests.
>>>> Roger Haase
>>> Thanks for the URL. The example had some new code for me
>>> but  Still same
>>> behavior. No MOIN_SESSION cookie.
>>> I am maintaining my own cookie which has nothing to do with
>>> MOIN cookie.
>>> I expect the application to maintain it's own cookie as
>>> needed. So where
>>> does this happen? And if it is required that the
>>> ExternalCookie routine
>>> create it why isn't it documented.  The example creates
>>> a MoinAuth
>>> cookie but I thought it was only an example.
>>> My plugin worked in 1.5
>> Yes, I had a hack for Moin <1.7 that worked too, but the Moin authentication process was changed in 1.7 - see the /docs/CHANGEs.
>> I had to rewrite my hack to fit the 1.7 model (there is another minor change required for Moin 1.8).  If your request method returns a user object, Moin will create the cookie.  The MoinAuth cookie is an example, it can be any name except MOIN_SESSION.  You may have to resort to writing to a log file to debug your code.  I included a "def writeLog(*args):" function in the example because I needed it to debug my code.
>> There appear to be few of using ExternalCookie for authentication, if you find errors in HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie, please fix it.  
>> I will be MIA until Friday, good luck.
>> Roger Haase

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