[Moin-user] EmbedObject pdf Explorer

Janssens Karen Karen.Janssens at ua.ac.be
Thu Aug 28 08:29:17 EDT 2008

> Well, I guess you have heard that before: IE is crap: it doesn't 
> implement web standards (like CSS) correctly and often has security 
> issues, they really should avoid it as much as possible.
> There are lots of other browsers out there, that work much better and 
> are much more standards compliant, e.g. Firefox and Opera.
I'm convinced already a long time ago ;-)
so ok... now I'll have to convince my users...

Some other peculiar thing I found out today, however. Also browser 
related, but now IE works and firefox doesn't!

I want to insert a link to another wikipage or an external site using 
the GUI editor. I click the insert link button, choose WikiPage (or 
URL), insert the pagename or url and save changes.

Using firefox: problem: the link is not made and the insert link dialog 
box re-appears. When looking in the text mode something like ' 
javascript:void(0);/*1219926267425*/ ' is inserted as link.
Using IE: no problem at all. the link is correctly made.

now, this is a less serious problem for me at the moment. Because I 
prefer the text mode (no problem there) and my wiki-users (it is a 
private wiki) prefer IE as I pointed out in my previous message.

Karen Janssens
Universiteit Antwerpen
Anet - Bibliotheekautomatisering
Bibliotheek Stadscampus
Prinsstraat 9
B-2000 Antwerpen
Tel    +32 3 220.49.71
Email  karen.janssens at ua.ac.be

Karen Janssens
Universiteit Antwerpen
Anet - Bibliotheekautomatisering
Bibliotheek Stadscampus
Prinsstraat 9
B-2000 Antwerpen
Tel    +32 3 220.49.71
Email  karen.janssens at ua.ac.be

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