[Moin-user] Upgrade 1.5.5 to 1.6: URLs do not work

kai at aplteam.com kai at aplteam.com
Mon Aug 18 02:31:37 EDT 2008

I tried a 1.7.1 installation on my desktop, worked fine, and decided
to migrate in two steps:
>From 1.5.5 to 1.6 and then to 1.7.1
To make the matter more interesting I also decided to get away from
IIS and use Apache.

It took very little to get Apache installed/configured/running. After
doing some small changes to my moin.cgi and my wikiconfi.py I can see
the Frontpage of my wiki already:


I am not exactly surprised that the links on the FrontPage are broken
- I did not run the migration scripts so far.

But I would expect that entering the URL
would display my homepage. Instead I get an
    Not Found - The requested URL /aplwiki/KaiJaeger was not found on
this server.

That should work, shouldn't it?

Advice is very welcome.


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