[Moin-user] Icons no longer visible

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Apr 15 08:43:17 EDT 2008

>> It is likely that your web server is not serving the static stuff
>> correctly (css, images, js).
>> moin 1.5 used to use /wiki url as default url_prefix setting to  
>> address
>> those resources. Thus, your apache needed to serve the /wiki url with
>> the htdocs/... files that come with moin.
>> Because this was a constant source of misunderstandings and upgrade
>> problems, moin 1.6.0 and future moin versions are a bit different,  
>> they
>> use /moin_static160 as default url_prefix_static setting (note the
>> different name of the setting and also not that the number in that url
>> changes with every moin version!).
> Thanks for the answer. I'm actually not on version 1.6.x yet, I'm  
> still using version 1.5.7-3ubuntu2 of python-moinmoin. I tried  
> copying /usr/share/moin/htdocs to my wiki location, changing the  
> ownership to www-data.www-data, but still no static content.

Do not expect that moin will magically do this for you.
You have to configure your web server to serve the static files.

For Apache and moin 1.5.x it is Alias /wiki ... (see our docs) in the 
apache configuration.

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