[Moin-user] MoinMoin and mod_auth_sspi setup problem

Bernd Bartmann bernd.bartmann at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 02:37:20 EDT 2008

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Bernd Bartmann wrote:
>  The contents of this page looks ok to me.

Authentication against our domain controller now works just fine. As
the next step I now want to change the UserPreferences page according
to the ApacheOnWin32withDomainAuthentication description.

After adding the following lines to my wikiconfig.py I always get an
error telling me that I have to enter a password after saving my

    show_login = 0
    user_form_remove = ['password', 'password2', 'logout',]
    user_checkbox_remove = ['disabled',]

Then I edited the UserPreferences page and removed the sections
"Creating a profile" and "Resetting password". Now after entering my
preference data and click on save I no longer get the error message
about the missing password, but nothing is being saved at all.

Best regards,

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