[Moin-user] captcha system for moin?

Gary Oberbrunner garyo at genarts.com
Wed Oct 17 22:31:51 EDT 2007

Thomas Arthur Oehser <tom <at> Toms.NET> writes:

> think there is some misunderstanding about what is being requesed.
> To me, spam prevention is trivial, as non-registered-users cannot edit.
> Preventing bots from registering in the first place is the goal.
> This problem is totally different, and not addressible by bayesian
> filtering or other spam-filtering approaches.
> There are 2 approaches I would like (I want both, but either would help...)
> (1) Require a process by which "registering" puts a user into "awaiting
>     approval" status, sends them an email with some kind of GUID cookie,
>     and upon the user answering the email, moves them into "real" status.
> (2) Require a user to pass some "captcha" type test, such as recognizing
>     text within a complex distorted visual image, as part of registration.
> I want a registered user to (1) have a real, (and unique!) email
> address, and, (2) be a human being, not a computer program.

Hi folks.  As I'm sure most of you know by now, this problem is increasing
dramatically in the last few weeks.  Big sites like redhat
(http://sources.redhat.com/lvm2/wiki/RecentChanges), x.org and so on are seeing
these wiki spams by auto-created users (XXXjingkeYYYY, caicaimmXX, and many
others).  I run a small wiki for scons.org, and we don't have the resources to
despam every day.  We need a captcha plug-in to prevent bot registration; we've
already turned off anonymous editing but it doesn't help anymore.

I looked at Russell Stuart's Email Activation, but self-activation could be
trivially implemented by these bots (they have valid rDNS and everything), and
the last thing we need is a human admin in the registration loop.

What's wrong with recaptcha (http://recaptcha.net/)?  It's a decent captcha
system, and it helps scan old books (a CMU project).  It has audio for the
visually impaired, and has a simple two-function python API, see

Can someone at least tell me where to plug it in?  It's getting past the painful
point.  (BTW: I'm posting this via gmane, and it's making me solve a captcha
just to post this.)  Please reply to me at garyo at genarts dot com as well as
to the list.

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