[Moin-user] An Appreciation - Thanks for all the MoinMoin

James Bullock jbullock at rare-bird-ent.com
Sun Nov 18 21:24:22 EST 2007

I was about to send a question to this list - my first - when I realized how
utterly dependent I have become on MoinMoin, and how easy that has been. So, I
thought I'd pause to say "Thanks." Don't know if the developers collect success
stories. I know I like to hear about success with the stuff I build. So here are

1 - A couple years back, I wanted a team wiki for a product engineering team I
was running. (Mult-protocol mobile VPN and router, in SW and HW - really.) So, I
tagged one of the guys, we picked a MoinMoin and were up within a day or two.
Within a couple months we were running tech support / crash diagnosis via the
wiki, collecting build / release information via the wiki, and regularly adding
to the "How to" and "Design notes" article. Same guy ran supported the thing.
He'd never seen a wiki before and still isn't a Python developer.

2 - I've been using MoinMoin desktop as a PIM and writing workbench for a couple
years now. I started as yet another attempt at dealing with a PIM, when I have
hated every piece of PIM software I've used before. I started collecting writing
fragments, references and whole pieces in the Wiki a while after that. Right now
I can't imagine *not* having my personal MoinMoin up all the time to catch what
I'm coming across. Shortly, I'm going to undertake a project to inject email,
incoming and outgoing into that MoinMoin instance - I'm that addicted.

Anyway, before I ask for some help, I figured I should at least thank the people
who make and support MoinMoin for all it has done for me already.

Thanks guys.

- Jim

Jim Bullock, Rare Bird Enterprises, "Conscious Development"
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rarebirdenterprises

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