[Moin-user] I want a "changing logo" - browser cache problem

Sebastian Haase sebastian.haase at mdc-berlin.de
Thu Jun 21 15:55:06 EDT 2007

On 6/21/07, Matthew Nuzum <matthew.nuzum at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 6/20/07, Sebastian Haase <sebastian.haase at mdc-berlin.de> wrote:
> > > BTW, if you would change the image name (url) each time, this would work
> > > around the caching problem.
> >
> > I was thinking about this solution -- but how !?
> > I thought the  logo-info (i.e. the image name URL) is saved in a
> > python variable (in the running python process) -- how could a
> > cron-job change this !?
> The problem with doing it in python is that if the page is cached then
> you're stuck with the old image too. If you use javascript, the client
> side code will generate a new url for the image each time the page is
> viewed, even from the cache.
> I should have read through the whole thread before I sent my previous
> reply, sorry for the noise.
Don't be sorry --- is this the answer to my original question !? refer
to the subject ! I wanted to "completely ruin caching"  for the logo -
that's OK with me.
In this case I could evne reuse the same image-filenames !? right !?
Because I don't actually have ImageMagick installed on the
moin-serving machine - and I was generating the file across a network
disk access running a cron-job on a different machine ...


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