[Moin-user] I want a "changing logo" - browser cache problem

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Jun 20 06:53:59 EDT 2007

>>> /wiki/mylogo.jpg
> I'm using the DesktopEdition on  mac OSX.

OK, so you are using the builtin "standalone" server.

Well, maybe it is just not intelligent enough for such stuff. :)

> Could Apache give different results !?

Yes, apache is very configurable for such stuff. But also much more 
complex than running mmde.

 > It looked to me like a client
> side problem, fixable by changing some html code --- maybe I'm wrong

No, this is likely the server side not serving correct caching headers.

It could be also the client not correctly processing the caching 
headers, but this is less likely.

BTW, if you would change the image name (url) each time, this would work 
around the caching problem.

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