[Moin-user] Add level with Include macro

Boris Callens boris.callens.osv at fedex.com
Tue Jul 31 10:09:30 EDT 2007

Thx for the update

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 16:00:08 +0200, David Cramer <david at thingbag.net>  

> There's a bug in the TOC macro. If you use the 'fully qualified' path to  
> the sub-page, the toc will work:
> [[Include(ParentPage/MySubPage,"title of the header for the  
> include",level)]]
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs/TableOfContentsBrokenForIncludedPages?highlight=%28MoinMoinBugs/%29%7C%28CategoryMoinMoinBugConfirmed%29
> You might be interested in this feature request:  
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/FeatureRequests/SectionEditing
> David
> Boris Callens wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Thx, I indeed forgot to insert the empty parameter.
>> The level you give as a paremeter, is that a restriction (so, only   
>> starting that leven, the page should be included) or is it at what  
>> level  de subpage will be inserted (so all the subpage's levels will be  
>> augmented  by the paremeter)?
>> Also I noticed that the TableOfContents() macro doesn't support links  
>> to  the subPage's headers.
>> They are listed, but when you click on them, no action is taken.
>> Any idea how to fix this?
>> Boris
>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:42:08 +0200, Robert Seeger (OR Soft)   
>> <robert.seeger at orsoft.de> wrote:
>>> Hi Boris,
>>> we use this technique massively in our wikis and it is indeed very   
>>> helpful, especially if you have repetitive parts.
>>> The correct syntax for what you want is
>>>   [[Include(/MySubPage,"title of the header for the include",level)]]
>>> In this case, /MySubPage should not start with its own header and its   
>>> subheaders should start on level+1.
>>> See http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/HelpOnMacros/Include. This  
>>> states  that heading is optional, however that means that you need an  
>>> empty  parameter, e.g.
>>>   [[Include(/MySubPage,  ,level)]]
>>> However I recommend to use heading because then you can click on it  
>>> to  go to /MySubPage.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Robert
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Boris Callens [mailto:boris.callens.osv at fedex.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 9:58 AM
>>>> To: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net
>>>> Subject: [Moin-user] Add level with Include macro
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I am trying to make my pages more modular by splitting them
>>>> all up in
>>>> several subpages and using the [[Include(/SubPage)]] command on the
>>>> orignal page to include the subpages.
>>>> Now I would like to make the inserted pages follow the header
>>>> levels from
>>>> the page where they are inserted.\
>>>> I googled this and found the syntax for that should be
>>>> [[Include(/SubPage,
>>>> level)]] but that just gives me a parsing error.
>>>> Example:
>>>> <main page:>
>>>> = MainPageTitle =
>>>> [[Insert(/SubPage)]]
>>>> <and Subpage:>
>>>> = SubPageTitle =
>>>> Here goes a random text
>>>> <Would give me:>
>>>> = MainPageTitle =
>>>> == SubPageTitle ==
>>>> Here goes a random text
>>>> --
>>>> Boris Callens
>>>> FedEx

Boris Callens

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