[Moin-user] Colour my table

Boris Callens boris.callens.osv at fedex.com
Mon Jul 23 03:51:55 EDT 2007


This trick works with javascripts, correct.
Is there an easy way to incorporate this in the MoinMoin pages, or should  
I be translating the script to Python?
I searched the existing MoinMoin scripts for zebra tables, but couldn't  
find anything.

best regards

> On 7/20/07, Boris Callens <boris.callens.osv at fedex.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I try to make my wiki pages a bit less boring.
>> I try to add colours and images where possible.
>> One thing I do is give my tables some (alternating) colours.
>> Untill now I have coloured them cell by cell, manually inserting the
>> colour code in the tag.
>> Isn't there a way to automise this and get my markup code out of my
>> content (the colour codes make the table completely unreadable)?
>> Even a way to colour the table row by row instead of cell by cell would  
>> be
>> a great start.
> Well, since your goal is just to add some visual appeal, you could  
> consider
> something like this: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/zebratables
> Just set it once in your theme and give your table's some identifier so  
> that
> on page load they get styled automatically.
> That beats trying to style all of your table rows by hand. Imagine if you
> gave each row a different row style (row_odd, row_even) so that they  
> could
> be styled by css rules - then you wanted to add a row somewhere near the
> top. You'd have to manually change all of your rules for the rows below  
> it.
> :-P

Boris Callens

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