[Moin-user] File download throttling based on file size?

Geoff Mayes gmayes at vmware.com
Thu Jul 19 22:04:44 EDT 2007

Howdy Moin users!

Anyone know if there is some sort of download speed throttling built into

A user just pointed out that large files (> 100MB) are very slow to download
whereas small files (< 2MB) download instantaneously.  Our Moin instance is
only used internally on our intranet.  I tested this a bit more and
discovered the following:

- When downloading 270MB, 140MB, and 40MB files at the same time, they
download at 3, 6, and 20KB/s, respectively.  This makes me think that Moin is
somehow throttling download speed based on file size (e.g. slowing down big

- It doesn't look like Apache 2.2.3 is the problem because when I move one of
these large files directly to webroot (/var/www/html) from the /wiki/data
directory, this same file downloads at 1.5MB/s.

- I've changed the extension of the filename from .wmv to .ppt, but the same
download speeds are observed.

- Uploading the 270MB file occurred in less than 4 minutes (~1.5MB/s).

Thank you in advance for any further information about this or solutions to
configure/disable throttling.

Regards, Geoff

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