[Moin-user] Possible MoinMoin bugs/browser incompatibilities

A. Scottedward Hodel hodelas at auburn.edu
Wed Jan 31 17:08:42 EST 2007

Thanks very much.

One respondent asked what version of MoinMoin I am using: I have  
version 1.5.6, installed last month.  No extensions installed.

On Jan 31, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Thomas Waldmann wrote:

>> (1) Firefox: exception thrown when switching from GUI editing to Text
>> editing.  Edits are lost.  This occurs with the latest version of
>> Firefox under both Windows and Mac OS X.
> I guess this depends rather on the html you have in the gui editor  
> than
> the browser version you use.
> The tricky part of that gui editing stuff is that it is done with a  
> editor (FCKeditor) - when saving (or switching to text editor),
> moin has to convert the html to wiki markup.
> Depending on the html, this might trigger problems in the converter.
> Esp. people pasting stuff from ms word triggered this problem - in  
> that
> case this is caused by the strange html produced by ms word. Also, the
> converter is complex and far from perfect, the next release will fix
> some more of its shortcomings.
> It would help us if someone analyzed which html tags are still
> problematic (or at least exactly describes how to reproduce it) and
> posted a bug report about it to the moinmoin wiki.

This idea makes a lot of sense.  I have the students submit reports  
in a table format, so the complexity involved suggests to me that  
there's a good chance that the switch from GUI to text mode triggers  
a problem in conversion from HTML to wiki text.  As a temporary work- 
around, I'll tell the students how to edit in text mode.  For those  
who are interested, the text form of the page they are editing looks  
like this:

|| ELEC4000 ||Name ||
|| ||Date ||
|| ||Team name ||
||Objectives || ||
|| ||list of your current approved objectives.  If possible, refer to  
task names in the project Gantt Chart. ||
||Achievements this week || ||
|| ||list of achievements this week, compared to goals set last week ||
||Goals for next week || ||
|| ||Goals that you plan to achieve by the next report. ||
||Hours worked || ||
|| || Total hours: (sum of above) ||
These weekly reports will be visible to the entire class.

## Do not change anything below this line
## WeeklyReportCategory

>> (2)  Category lists: pages that use the macro [[FullSearch
>> (WeeklyReportCategory)]] do not always list all reports.  I cannot
>> duplicate this bug, but I am usually using Safari under Mac OS X and
>> am logged in as the administrator.
> I don't think this is related to your browser. If it can't be
> reproduced, it will be a bit hard to debug / fix.
> Display of search results can depend on the user, though: if you have
> ACLs on the pages not allowing read access by some users, then those
> users also won't "find" those pages.
>> If further detail or testing would be useful to help debug the
>> problem, I'll be glad to continue to work the problem.
> The best way to help is to post bug reports to the wiki and give as  
> much
> details as possible.
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs
> If you get a traceback, please save (the verbose form of) it as
> backtrace.html and attach it to the bug page.

Item (2): I have asked the students to give me a copy of the category  
web page when they have this problem.  When I get further  
information, I'll post the problem there.  The students in the design  
group are listed in a group list that has default read,write access  
to the entire wiki.  I am the only user with admin access.

Thank you very much!

A. Scottedward Hodel, 334 844-1854, fax 334 844-1809
hodelas at auburn.edu http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~hodelas

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