[Moin-user] How to disable user profile creation

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Jan 31 04:45:10 EST 2007

> On 1/7/07, *Thomas Waldmann* <tw-public at gmx.de 
> <mailto:tw-public at gmx.de>> wrote:
>     > portal.Now, for this.. when the user clicks on the login button
>     only the
>     > name and password fields should be displayed.
>     Just use a recent moin version. As you see on
>     moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de <http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de>,
>     this is the case for the current code (soon released as 1.5.7).
> I want just the username and pwd textboxes to be displayed.
This is the case for moin 1.5.6 (and also soon for 1.5.7).
> You had suggested me to use moin1.5.7 but its not yet released nor 
> could I find its code. In the repository only the code of moin2.0 is 
> kept after moin1.5.6.
hg.thinkmo.de/moin/1.5 - if you check out the latest code from that 
branch (see "bz2" link) it will be something similar to 1.5.7 release 
(it is not released yet).
> Can you please suggest me how to just disable and remove the 
> pwd-repeat and email textboxes and create-profile button. What files 
> do I need to look into and how to modify.
You don't need to do that as we have already done it quite some time ago 
in 1.5.x. Just use a current version (like 1.5.6).

BTW: you don't need to CC: me via direct email, posting to the mailing 
list is enough.

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