[Moin-user] Disabling anonymous users from editing the wiki

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Fri Jan 19 04:20:15 EST 2007

paddu12 at tce.edu schrieb:
> Can you please tell me how to disable anonymous users from editing the
> wiki.. i.e users without login in should be able to edit the wiki..
> And secondly, is there a way to disable the user-profile creation
> completely..so that we can prevent some automated bot over the internet
> from creating user profiles automatically.
If you only want verified users to do stuff, do this:

create a page EditorGroup and put a first level list on it having the 
user names you allow to edit.

use acl_rights_default = u"EditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read"

this way it doesn't matter at all whether somebody creates a user 
account or not (there are some comfort features, also for just reading 
the wiki bound to having a user account, so you should not disallow 
creating user profiles) as far as edit access is concerned.

btw, this all is documented on HelpOnAccessControlLists page.

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