[Moin-user] Shared pages across farms - link problems

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 09:24:47 EST 2007


I am an enthusiastic user of the


feature in our wiki farm:


I have tried to host the user home pages in the Base wiki, to be
shared across wikis.  Home page creation works fine, however, when a
user clicks on a link to go to their home page, although they go to
the right page, the recently visited link added to the wiki frame
contains the wrong URL (goes to currentwiki/SomeUser instead of
basewiki/SomeUser); if they use this link they end up unwittingly
trying to create a new currentwiki/SomeUser which overrides the
basewiki/SomeUser page that I was hoping they would get.

Is there any way to avoid this behavior?  I love this feature, and
would very much like to be able to make it seamless if possible.



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