[Moin-user] How to disable user profile creation

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Sun Jan 7 01:31:11 EST 2007

> portal.Now, for this.. when the user clicks on the login button only the 
> name and password fields should be displayed.

Just use a recent moin version. As you see on moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de, 
this is the case for the current code (soon released as 1.5.7).

> tell me how to do this.. And also, we are planning to have the auth 
> handled by our own XML-RPC server.

Just extend MoinMoin/auth.py accordingly.

> credential it has to be handled by the XML-RPC server which will also 
> manage the session creation and destruction.So,for this we need to 
> disable the user profile creation.Can you please tell me how to do this?

Without bigger changes, I guess you rather want to keep moin's session 
cookie and automatically create/update the user profile from 
informations you got by your new xmlrpc auth function.

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