[Moin-user] pages in multiple language?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Feb 8 05:25:24 EST 2007

>  	What is the best way to have some pages in multilanguage:
There is no special "automatic" support in moin handling multiple 
languages except for the system / help / other pages linked from navi_bar.

As the idea of having "multi language" support is not new, you'll find 
quite some discussions about that topic on the moin wiki - but there is 
no easy and perfect solution for this problem.
> 1. easy switch from one language to another - e.g. one click on a page
You can just link the other language versions from the page.
> 2. sharing attached files (e.g. pictures) among the multiple language - I 
> don't like the idea of serving attachment via the webserver (no ACL 
> support)
IIRC, you can link to attachments on other pages, see the help pages.
> 3. recommended naming schemes for multiple language pages...
Whatever does not conflict.

Another way of doing this is to run a wiki farm with 1 wiki per language.
The interwiki map would contain some entries making interwiki links 
between languages easy.

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