[Moin-user] Attachement history?

Erik Forsberg forsberg at cendio.se
Fri Feb 2 03:36:16 EST 2007

Thomas Waldmann <tw-public at gmx.de> writes:

> As you can imagine, this is a big, complex and critical code change 


> (and this also needs some changes on the storage level), 

Speaking of the storage level - I noticed that todays revisions are
stored as full copies of all revisions. Has there been any thoughts on
using a full-blown VC (Subversion or similar) as backend, or is that a
stupid idea for reasons I don't know anything about? 

> The next bigger changes (like xapian based indexed search and wiki sync 
> and some others) are expected for the upcoming 1.6 release - so if you 
> evaluate moin, maybe have a glance at that stuff.

Well, I'm thinking about using moin as a intranet, and the number of
pages will quite low, so I don't think I'll get any performance
trouble due to lupu being slow. 

Erik Forsberg                OpenSource-based Thin Client Technology
Systems Analyst/Developer    Phone: +46-13-21 46 00    
Cendio AB    	             Web: http://www.cendio.com

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