[Moin-user] Attachement history?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Feb 1 07:41:03 EST 2007

> Evaluating MoinMoin, I find that there doesn't seem to be any history
> for attachements, correct?
Yes, this is correct.

The current workaround is to have backups. :)
> Are there any plans for introducing this? I can't find it under
> FeatureRequests.
We have plans to unify pages and attachments to generic "items".

What's a wiki page now will be a mimetype text/moin-wiki item then.
What's a pdf attachment now will be an application/pdf item then.

Items will be implemented as a class hierarchy, exploiting inheritance, 
so generic functionality will be implemented in base item class (like 
delete, rename, info, revert, ...) and special functionality will be 
implemented in the derived special classes for some mimetype.

Because the basic stuff is handled the same way, we'll get revisioning 
for attachments and upload/download for pages for free (and much else) - 
using less and easier to maintain code than we have now.

As you can imagine, this is a big, complex and critical code change (and 
this also needs some changes on the storage level), so don't hold your 
breath, this will take some time (not planned for 1.5 and 1.6 branches, 
maybe 1.7, maybe 2.0...).

The next bigger changes (like xapian based indexed search and wiki sync 
and some others) are expected for the upcoming 1.6 release - so if you 
evaluate moin, maybe have a glance at that stuff.

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