[Moin-user] LDAP Authentication

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Apr 25 02:28:47 EDT 2007

>>> What I currently have, in addition to the standard config stuff, is:
>>> class Config(FarmConfig):
>>>     import ldap
>>>     auth = [ldap_login]
>> If that's all, that doesn't work. ldap_login is not defined.
> My apologies, there is:
>   from MoinMoin.auth import ldap_login,moin_cookie
> earlier in the code.  The above line has also been adjusted to:
>   auth = [ldap_login,moin_cookie]

Ah, much better. :)

> What would be helpful above all else would be to know where (if at all) MoinMoin
> will be putting logs of the authentication procedure, so I can see where the
> problem is coming from.

It is either your web server's log or <data_dir>/error.log.

For debugging it is sometimes nice to use the standalone server of moin 
(moin.py) as it outputs stuff directly into the console window.

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