[Moin-user] LocalSpellingWords

kai at aplteam.com kai at aplteam.com
Sun Apr 22 02:20:09 EDT 2007

Yesterday somebody has answered to this email, and this enabled me to
solve the problem. Unfortunately that email has disappeared on my
machine so I don't know who it was any longer - anyway: thank you very

Two suggestions to the MoinMoin guys:

1. The help page for "LocalSpellingWords" does not contain the word
"language" - that is why I missed it. Maybe the word should be
inlcuded in the text somewhere.

2. The help page does not help very much on a Windows machine. Some of
the pieces of information are not correct, especially those marked as
"Windows related".


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kai at aplteam.com <kai at aplteam.com>
Date: Apr 21, 2007 8:29 PM
Subject: LocalSpellingWords
To: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net

Hi there

I am running


a wiki which is related to the APL programming language. It is in
English, therefore the language is set to EN and any browser settings
are ignored with

language_ignore_browser = True

Now a user (American, btw) has managed to create a LocalSpellingWord
with German words only. How, and why?


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