[Moin-user] CPU over 100% while "RecentChanges"

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Apr 10 08:38:55 EDT 2007

> ok I see the point. So if my site would get high load - it would be
> definitely better to make a basic standart frontpage and not directly
> link to the recent changes.

I would not place the RecentChanges macro onto page_front_page.

Better have some generic content there, telling about what the wiki is, 
some pointers to important pages, etc. - if your wiki runs open with 
read/write for anyone, maybe even write protect the main page (the real 
content is on other pages anyway), so no idiot will deface your main page.

> In the Standalone Version there's also a "ForkingServer" available. How
> I did read, it's still experimental and slow. 

I didn't try that one.

> --> Were the 1.6 and 2.0 Version of MoinMoin will heading? Is there a
> Standalone Version obsolete?

Next version will still support the same server methods as now.

I guess standalone will stay for long as it is a nice way to get it 
working fast and good for desktop or small group usage.

>>> d) Using Mod_Python or Standalone Modus (FastCGI ist not an option for
>>> me)
>> Don't use mod_python. Why is fastcgi no option?
> my provider just not supporting yet. 

Oh. :|

> --> But what's the Problem with Mod_Python? I did run some Intranet site
> on a Windows/Apache and also Linux Fedora/Apache on an old P3/800mhz.
> Both with Mod_Python. And without Problem well hope it stays this way,
> don't fear me :-)

mod_python runs everything under the same user, so if you have different 
clients on the same server, there will be security problems.

It also has miscellaneous, strange bugs (maybe in older versions more 
than in later ones - I don't know exactly as I don't use it).

Maybe just do a search on the moinmoin wiki for mod_python or modpy etc. 
and look at the bugs.

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