[Moin-user] modifying wiki links

George Dinwiddie lists at iDIAcomputing.com
Tue Sep 12 23:43:59 EDT 2006

By poking through request.py, I found that I can set a header in the 
request to provide the external name of the script:

RequestHeader set X-Moin-Location /moin/

This *does* create the proper URLs.  All pages now display the 
FrontPage, however.  My URL rewriting looks like:

ReWriteRule ^moin$ moin.fcg
ReWriteRule ^moin/(.*) moin.fcg/$1

This works fine without the X-Moin-Location header.  Any ideas why the 
page name might be getting lost?

  - George

George Dinwiddie wrote:
> I'm moving from a dedicated server to a shared server, but trying to 
> duplicate the external appearances.  On my dedicated server, I use
>    ScriptAlias /moin /var/moin/mywikiname/moin.cgi
> to simplify the URL and point to the script.  On the shared server, I 
> can't use ScriptAlias because I don't have access to the httpd.conf and 
> must use .htaccess, instead.  I've achieved partial success with
>    ReWriteEngine on
>    ReWriteRule ^moin moin.cgi
>    ReWriteRule ^moin/(.*) moin.cgi/$1
> This works fine if I type in the url http://mydomain.com/moin/FrontPage 
> but if I click a link on the wiki, the form is 
> http://mydomain.com/moin.cgi/FrontPage
> I *know* I've seen instructions for changing the way Moin generates 
> these links, but now that I need it, my searches are coming up empty. 
> How do I get rid of the ".cgi" portion of the link?
>   - George

   * George Dinwiddie *                    gdinwiddie at idiacomputing.com
   Software Development                    http://www.idiacomputing.com
   Consultant and Coach                    http://www.agilemaryland.org

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