[Moin-user] Authentication Problem

Nikhil Kakkar nikekakkar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 12:21:02 EDT 2006

I am trying to setup a wiki on the Intranet for my company. I set up
MoinMoin 1.5.4 on an apache server and everything is good. Except
there is one requirement:a Forum. I installed a forum software and I
can link to it through the wiki.

However I want people to log in to the wiki and then be able to use
the same login for the forum as well without having to re
register/logon. The forum software I am using can read a file which
has list of members so if there is a file created by MoinMoin that has
a list of all members and emails, I can use that. Is it possible to
read the data stored in the cookie set by MoinMoin ? Are there any
suggestions or other possible solutions?
Nikhil Kakkar

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