[Moin-user] Integrating SebastianBreier ldapcheck

Maykel Moya moya at infomed.sld.cu
Thu May 18 06:02:11 EDT 2006

El Fri, 19 May 2006 05:44:41 +0200 Thomas Waldmann <tw-public at gmx.de>

> > ¿How can I integrate Sebastian Breier's LdapCheck[1] in Moin?
> 1.5.3 distribution archive has ldap stuff built-in in
> MoinMoin/auth.py and a ldap sample config located near the other
> sample configs.

The feature I like most from LdapCheck is the ability to authenticate
either by a login or by a WikiName. I was studying auth.py and didn't
see such thing.


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