[Moin-user] Sneaky spam

Robert Schumann robert at cantab.net
Fri Mar 31 15:06:03 EST 2006

Fred Drake wrote:

>On 3/31/06, Robert Schumann <robert at cantab.net> wrote:
>>But how were the spammers able to edit the wiki without me finding out?
>Is it possible the spamy content got caught by spam filters on email? 
>Depending on the configurations of MTAs along the way, it might not
>have happened at your mailbox.
Damn, I'm losing count of the number of times I ask questions with 
obvious answers on this list.  Sourceforge even rejected my own email 
because of the presence of a nasty pharmacological word, just in case I 
missed the hint.....

Hmm, it appears we have a bit of a Catch 22 here: how does my MTA select 
the spam I want?

OK, let's hold thumbs the antispam countermeasures work now!


>  -Fred
>Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
>"Don't let schooling interfere with your education." -- Mark Twain

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