[Moin-user] Migration to 153

Thilo Pfennig tpfennig at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 16:35:02 EST 2006

Shouldn't we tell people not to use FTP installation because it is not
supported. As there are instructions like this:

"After you have switched to new style migration, the procedure will be the same
with every moin upgrade, simply run a command similar to this:

sudo -u www-data moin --config-dir=/path/to/config_dir
--wiki-url=wiki.example.org/ migration data
Isn't it possible to have those scripts run via Web? The only
possibilty if you have a ftp install is to copy everything to a system
where you can do such thing (btw, never seen a Windows with a  sudo

I also think that the file README-migration is misleading. If people
don't think really for themselves and read "First make sure you have
run all the old mig scripts ONCE (and only once) on your data dirs."
they might think that they need to run ALL the ild mig scripts once.
But although this is stated here they should not unless they have an
old installation.

So to sum up:

1) We should not tell the admins that they can actually use FTP or
Windows if we then tell them to use sudo and unix commands to migrate
on a server.
2) I would see it as a great achievement if it would be possible for
the superuser to make a migration.

I would say that on a huge FTP installation it will be nearly
impossiuble to upgrade that way or at least it would take ages.

At least instructions could be more clearer and we could put a warning
on documentation that on ftp install you will not be able to migrate
unless you have a computer where you copy all this stuff. And imagine
somebody with a 56k modem link that has to download some hundreds of
MB just to issue one command for migration!



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