[Moin-user] difficulty changing themes

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Mon Jul 24 11:22:20 EDT 2006


This is my first time posting to the list. I'm having trouble changing my moin 
theme. It seems to be stuck on rightsidebar, no matter what I change the 
theme_default to in wikiconfig.py. I'm using apache2, and the access and 
error logs aren't helpful.

I tried setting theme_default to "modern", and then I moved my 
htdocs/rightsidebar to htdocs/rightsidebar.off, and then the apache error log 
complains about not being able to find the rightsidebar directory. I have 
verified that other changes to wikiconfig.py are effective, such as changing 
the sitename.

Could anyone offer a suggestion? Why is the theme stuck on rightsidebar?


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