[Moin-user] user authentication

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri Jul 21 10:40:39 EDT 2006

charanya15 at hotmail.com wrote:
> I saw that all the ACL stuff is done in a file called wikiacl.py. They parse 
> the ACLs from the raw page, generate a ACL list and then use that ACL list 
> to determine whether to allow/deny a request (READ/WRITE/MODIFY).
> We like to  modify this  in a way that it does not sit inside the wiki 
> page., but gets to a table in the database.
> Is this possible?can anyone help me in this
Assuming some custom code, everything is possible. :)

BTW, one of our "Google Summer of Code" student is currently writing a 
storage backend API.
We also will separate data and metdadata (ACLs are metadata).

After that, your plan might get a bit easier, but that will take some 
months from now (when he succeeds).

Until then, you could maybe hack some cronjob, getting the ACLs out of 
the DB and editing them into the moin pages.

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