[Moin-user] Twisted and patch-683 ?

Arp moin.askthem at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 18:57:01 EST 2006

Thanks to Thomas for the answers ...

> I would suggest you simply try latest moin release and do not use an old
> debian package. See here if you need some deb package:
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinPackages/DebianLinux

Yes, I found the BrandenRobinson packages of course...

> Go with 1.5.2, but for first try, keep python and twisted "as is".
> After that, if you encounter python or twisted related problems, you can
> do a /usr/local install of both python2.4.2 and twisted (and maybe other
> python stuff you need).

I'm just a bit reluctant to steer the server away from Debian Stable,
especially if this includes installing newer versions of software
outside of apt/aptitude that might break other installed programs. It
would also mean that I have to 'upgrade' the wiki contents to 1.5
although that seems trivial enough.

I was just hoping to do a quick speed test with the existing wiki
served through twisted. Somewhat disapointing that the standard
packages don't work - had slight hopes that the patch could fix it or
at least result in giving me correct error messages.

Oh well, guess I'll go and take a walk on the wild side ;o)


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