[Moin-user] help

Ningxiao Gu ningxiao.gu at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 21:16:06 EST 2006

Sorry for the spam.

I seemed to be able to set up my wiki on the xpsp2 machine with MoinMoin 1.5.2 and python 2.4, but am having problem using it.

I can successfully create a user, but when I log in for the first time and try to save the user preferences info, it always tells me that the user name belongs to someone else. I can log in with the user name (it directs to me to the userpreference page), but if I go to another page, I will be logged out.
I tried to change FrontPage (without logging in), and after I click save change, it shows a 500 error page. But if I reload Frontpage, the change seems to be saved.
I also can't see recentchanges.

Can anyone shed some light on what might be wrong?


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