[Moin-user] upgrade

Zoom Quiet zoom.quiet at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 23:19:01 EST 2006

2006/2/6, Bryan <belred at gmail.com>:
> upgrading 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 was a real pain for us because we kept we didn't know
> what files would change.  i searched the moinmoin site, but only find upgrade
> information from 1.2 to 1.3, 1.3 to 1.4, etc.  there is nothing about what to do
> for minor upgrades.  me modified wikiconfig.py and the css files, but it got
> wiped out on the upgrade.  it's not a lot we have to do, but since we are new to
>   moinmoin, it's not easy to know exactly what is going to change and what we
> have to manually fix.  i just hope the upgrade section would have step-by-step
> instructions for how to upgrade from 1.5.x.
us wiki hold 3075 pages in 1.3.3 ,
howto safety upgrade into 1.5.2 is very important!

thanx for any step-by-step suggest!

> thanks,
> bryan
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"""Time is unimportant, only life important!
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