[Moin-user] MoinLive appliance and/or Live CD

Thilo Pfennig email at pfennigsolutions.de
Wed Dec 27 09:55:07 EST 2006


I have created an account and a project at rPath/rBuilder for creating
MoinMoin appliances or Live CDs. I am quite new to rPath but it looks

What I want to do is:

 * Build a general moin package for rPath/Foresight
 * create different flavours (Vmware Player image, Xen, ...) to test

The idea is to include everything that is needed by MoinMoin and to be
able to either run this similar to DesktopEdition or as a live medium.

I have installed Foresight Linux on my laptop only a few days ago and am
just starting to experiment. Whoever likes to play can join. The project
name is MoinLive:

 * rBuilder page http://www.rpath.org/rbuilder/project/moinlive/
 * Wiki Info: http://wiki.pfennigsolutions.de/MoinLive
 * mailing list: http://lists.rpath.org/mailman/listinfo/moinlive

rBuilder help: http://wiki.rpath.com/wiki/rBuilder:rBO

rpath is a relative new linux distribution that (like Mercurial)
emphasizes distributed systems over centralistic distribution. Read more
about it at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPath


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