[Moin-user] upgrading issue from 1.3.4 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

John.Brooker at dfat.gov.au John.Brooker at dfat.gov.au
Mon Dec 11 21:41:26 EST 2006

Greetings All,

I'm having difficulty upgrading an existing MoinMoin wiki, from version 
1.3.4 to 1.5.3 as part of a server migration project.

the new system already has two other moinmoin wiki's which have been 
migrated by my predecessor. sadly he is no longer here to move this last 
anyway, i have managed to get the wiki over and working, except certain 
pages are showing snippets of what looks like HTML code instead of the 
inteded text, 

for example instead off a series of large, red, ">" symbols i see:

[[HTML(<font size=+3 font-weight=+1 font color=red>)]]>>>CurrentAlerts

when i upgraded the data folder i ran the following scripts (in this 
moin    --config-dir:/var/mywiki    -- --wiki-url=thisserver/premovedwiki/ 
migration data

any ideas guys?

thanks in advance
Jonh Brooker

ps  the OS used is solaris 9.

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