[Moin-user] ImageLink problem

Mark Volkert mark.volkert at rakekniven.de
Sun Apr 30 05:22:04 EDT 2006


My task was to embed some larger images into a MoinMoin wiki page.
But there should only be a thumbnail visible. As soon as you click on that 
thumbnail the big image should appear.
I searched and finally found the macro "ImageLink".

After playing with it I found that all examples worked, except this:
"If no target is given the link will point to the image itself."
cit from "ImageLink.py"

My wiki page has the name "WikiTestPage". 
Here I uploaded file "000_0016.JPG".

I tried the following with no success:
[[ImageLink(000_0016.JPG, width=200)]]
Small thumbnail appears with a "?" in front. It links to 
Image itself has no link.

[[ImageLink(000_0016.JPG, WikiTestPage, width=200)]]
This works. The link points to the Wikipage 

But I would simply like to link to the big, original attachment.

MoinMoin version 1.5.3

I had a look at the py file, but my python skillz are insufficient to solve 

Can anybody help?


P.S. Would it be at big work to add an attribute for border? I have a lot of 
label screenshot with a white background and a border would be beautiful.

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