FW: [Moin-user] Upgrade to 1.5.3 from 1.3.5

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Apr 25 04:43:01 EDT 2006

> It's not the navi_bar variable, it's page_front_page, which is a new
> setting that's needed.

It is not really new, but we pointed it to that help page in the hope 
that at least some people will READ that page. :)

We did that because there are zillions of old moin setups in english 
language out there doing this unintentionally wrong. As an english 
speaker (with "en" as first language in your browser), you might never 
notice that. But foreign (e.g. "de") visitors will just see a default 
and unmodified "StartSeite" (the "de" translation of FrontPage) instead 
of the project's "FrontPage" and wonder ...

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