FW: [Moin-user] Upgrade to 1.5.3 from 1.3.5

Warren, Matthew (E.ON IS UK) Matthew.Warren at eon-is.co.uk
Tue Apr 25 02:12:29 EDT 2006


I have read this, although still can't see the problem. There is a
u'FrontPage', in my navi_bar list in wikiconfig.py although as far as I
can see that simply triggers translation based on the language setting
in the user prefs.

Unfortunatley access to http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/HelpOnLanguages
is blocked for me (Category 'free software download' blocked..??!!)  so
I'm not sure if it says anything different there as on my
HelpOnLanguages page.

I see how the langauge stuff works based on user prefs, but I dont
understand why I'm not seeing FrontPAgeWhen I go to

The language is set in userprefs for my username



Matthew Warren.
matthew.warren at eon-uk.com
matthew_j_warren at hotmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:moin-user-admin at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Mariano
Sent: 24 April 2006 19:59
To: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Moin-user] Upgrade to 1.5.3 from 1.3.5

On 4/24/06, Warren, Matthew (E.ON IS UK) <Matthew.Warren at eon-is.co.uk>
> Hi Moin'ers
> I upgraded finally to 1.5.3. I had to backout css changes I had
> customized back to almost the moin defaults. No biggie, I'll just make

> them properly sometime soon.
> My biggest problem though, is that now, pointing your browser at
> http://tsmwiki.com/tsmwiki takes you to the HelpOnLanguages page 
> rather than the FrontPage and I can't figure out why...
> Any ideas?
I ain't quite sure, but I think you must edit a couple of settings in

It is somehow explained in


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