[Moin-user] [Moin-Users] comment Alias & URL_CSS

Thilo Pfennig tpfennig at gmail.com
Mon Apr 24 05:54:14 EDT 2006


and btw. I now have the list of checkboxes that you need to not get
any erros when calling UserPrefences. Its a bit strange that there are
fields that you MUST have but you can remove in the wikiconfig. I
think it would make more sense to split settings into MUST HAVE and

Here is the list.

 user_checkbox_fields = [
    # needed fields:
        ('show_nonexist_qm', lambda _: _('Show question mark for
non-existing pagelinks')),
        ('show_page_trail', lambda _: _('Show page trail')),
        ('wikiname_add_spaces', lambda _: _('Add spaces to displayed
wiki names')),
        ('edit_on_doubleclick', lambda _: _('Open editor on double click')),
        ('show_topbottom', lambda _: _('Show top/bottom links in headings')),
    # I want this one anyway:
        ('disabled', lambda _: _('Disable this account forever'))
    # if we have these fields, they need to have defaults:
    user_checkbox_defaults = {'show_nonexist_qm':    0,
                              'show_page_trail':     1,
                              'wikiname_add_spaces': 0,
                              'edit_on_doubleclick': 0,
                              'show_topbottom':      0

see also http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/HelpOnInstalling/MinimalWiki



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