[Moin-user] Wiki Farm on the intranet

Slacker stricklandprogrammer at comcast.net
Mon Apr 17 20:56:02 EDT 2006

  a.. I am working on setting up various wikis for different departments on the company intranet. I was able to get a single wiki working without much trouble. I am having trouble setting up farmconfig.py correctly or I am incorrect in the way I think it will work. I have modified my farmconfig.py wikis = [... 

 wikis = [
    ("ProductionDeveloper", r"^server/proddev/.*$"),   
    ("ApplicationDeveloper", r"^server/appdev/.*$"),      
a.. I am getting errors 

Could not find a match for url: "server/FindPage".

Check your URL regular expressions in the "wikis" list in
a.. Am I configuring the wiki farm to only work on sub pages? Can I create a farm like above or do I have to have something like below: 

 wikis = [
    ("ProductionDeveloper", r"^proddev.server/.*$"),   
    ("ApplicationDeveloper", r"^appdev.server/*$"),      
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