[Moin-user] Configuration error: superuser

Hiers, Richard Richard.Hiers at covenantseminary.edu
Mon Apr 17 11:07:04 EDT 2006

I just upgraded from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 (IIS on Windows Server 2000, python
2.4).  After upgrading I now get the following message:

"ConfigurationError: The superuser setting in your wiki configuration is
not a list (e.g. ['Sample User', 'AnotherUser']). Please change it in
your wiki configuration and try again."

The version history for 1.5.3-rc1 states "We check cfg.superuser to be a
list of user names (as documented) and       deny superuser access if it
is not", but I can't find the document referred to.

Any idea what's up?


Richard Hiers
Director of IT Services
Covenant Theological Seminary

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