[Moin-user] Need help installing moin moin.

Eduardo Mercovich eduardo.mercovich at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 09:44:02 EDT 2006

Hello Reuben.

> I was finally able to install moinmoin after a lot of struggle. I
> wanted to ask you if  you can  help me to get my front page and set up
> admin rights? I am really new to the wiki concept itself.

Admin rights are relatively simple. After creating your user, check
this in wikiconfig.py (or multiconfig.py if you have set up a farm:

    # IMPORTANT: grant yourself admin rights! replace YourName with
    # your user name. See HelpOnAccessControlLists for more help.
    # All acl_rights_xxx options must use unicode [Unicode]
    #acl_rights_before = u"YourName:read,write,delete,revert,admin"

Uncomment the last line and change YourName for ReubenMallica (if this
is how you created your username).

What other help do you need?

Eduardo Mercovich
Buenos Aires - Argentina.

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